Thursday, March 3, 2011

tubby time = bloggy time

It is stiiiiiilllll snowing here in the north east.  We are now 30+ inches above last years total, and it is only march 2nd....... What do I mean by this you ask? It has snowed on my birthday in the past, April 21st.  It feels like years away from spring and I am really feeling the winter blues bad this week.  I dulled the pain with "a" cupcake from Bread Basket today, I had 1/2 of a Saratoga Special (chocolate with real whole cherry filling vanilla frosting) and 1/2 of their version of the "Hostess" cupcake.  Yum and Yummer! In other words, chocolate overload in the best way available.  (No cupcake by I.V available.)

 Long story short I have been too tired/ambitionless/cold/unimaginative to post.  I kept saying, I have to post....tomorrow.  Next thing I know, February is gone and here we are at March.  I decided that while Peanut plays in the tub I will sit and blog update and hope she doesn't splash water on my netbook.  Fat chance mommy.  
Speaking of Peanut, we transitioned her crib to the toddler version.  She reassured our decision by promptly falling out twice her first night sleeping in it.  The other night I was putting her to bed and she cried because she wasn't "shweepy" and said "momma, I have somepin in my eye"  and when I asked if it was her crazy hair she told me "no, it (sob) is (sob) my (sob) teawrssss (sob)  She is such a hoot.

                                                                  Stay warm!